Contact Janis

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Booking a Reading is Easy

Select the type of reading and desired time that best fits your needs. Choose between In-Person, Facetime, WhatsApp, or Phone for your reading.

"God has blessed me with a gift to connect with Spirit, and I know that my soul purpose in life is to bring you comfort and closure from the Spirit world." ~ Janis Boscarello

I'd Love to Hear from You!

In your message, include answers to the following when you’re ready to book:

  1. What type of reading would you like? (Private, Private Group, or Spiritual Life Coaching)
  2. What time works best for you? (Morning or Afternoon)
  3. How would you like your reading? (In-Person, Facetime, WhatsApp, or Phone)

    What Type of Reading Would You Like?

    You may choose an individual or group reading. Please read my guidelines and suggestions in advance of your reading.

    1. Psychic Spiritual Reading
    2. Mediumship Reading
    3. Combination Clairvoyant / Mediumship Reading
    4. Spiritual Life Coaching
    5. Demonstration of Mediumship (For Group of 20)